Bioluminescent Plankton
Phosphorescence. Seven of us left Toward sailing club last night. Paddling under a star-filled sky. Heading up Loch Striven, the sea was flat [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2019-05-03T07:45:14+00:00May 3rd, 2019|Boating, Ecology, Lifestyle, Marine life, Natural History, Nature, Outdoors, Science, Scotland|
Phosphorescence. Seven of us left Toward sailing club last night. Paddling under a star-filled sky. Heading up Loch Striven, the sea was flat [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-15T06:52:27+00:00June 12th, 2018|Ecology, Geography, Marine life, Natural History, Nature|
The World Ocean. The seas we call our own are part of one large body of water. This World Ocean is made up [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-15T06:58:15+00:00May 20th, 2018|Ecology, Nature, Outdoors, Science, Uncategorized|
A couple of weeks ago I was out hoping for a bit of sunshine only to find the winter was still hanging on [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-13T06:40:21+00:00February 22nd, 2018|Animals, Ecology, Marine life, Natural History, Nature, Outdoors, Scotland|
Scotland has recordeed the highest number of whale and dolphine sightings in the UK. The National Whale and Do;phine WAtch hold a survey [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-14T06:55:38+00:00January 23rd, 2017|Ecology, Geography, Weather|
Fog or Mist The foghorn woke me this morning; I listened to the boats sounding out through the mist, before opening the curtains [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-14T07:50:26+00:00December 13th, 2016|Ecology, Geography, Lifestyle, Weather|
Cloud Names Like most people, who would rather have their feet tucked into a pair of wellies than under a desk, I have [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-14T07:58:59+00:00November 1st, 2016|Ecology, Geography, Nature|
The Science of a Breaking Wave. Living by the sea and obviously loving it as much as I do, leads as much to [...]
By cedarbankadmin|2018-06-14T08:38:27+00:00June 8th, 2016|Animals, Ecology, Marine life|
Whales, porpoise and seals Clyde Marine Mammal Project I have a terrible habit of constantly looking across the water. It is not a [...]