Scotland reports most marine mammal sightings

Scotland has recordeed the highest number of whale and dolphine sightings in the UK. The National Whale and Do;phine WAtch hold a survey every year between July and August and their 2017 report shows:

Scotland            608
England             555
Wales                   23
Channel Islands    11
Isle of Man             5
Ireland                   0

We plan to put our little boat on the water in April, and I expect we’ll see porpoise in the Holy Loch and Loch Long. All the sightings in the report are from by volunteers who go out in boats or just walk the coast on watch. So, you don’t need to be afloat to be on the lookout. Out in the car, or walking the beach we’ve seen orca, basking shark, porpoise, dolphin and a couple of times now, even humpbacks. Coming from London, I still find it pretty amazing to find all that at our back door.

The Seawatch Foundation was particularly pleased with sightings of Pilot Whales in the Moray Firth and orcas in the North of Scotland. Although, the Clyde Marine Mammal Project who keeps everyone abreast of the latest sightings over in the West of Scotland often reports sightings of orca down around Arran.

This weekend the project reported sightings of a large pod of more than 25 porpoises cruising around the Islands of Cumbrae and Bute. If you are lucky enough to spot a Marine mammal, Please take the time to get in touch with the appropriate body and report it.

Here’s a couple of links you may find useful:


By |2018-06-13T06:40:21+00:00February 22nd, 2018|Animals, Ecology, Marine life, Natural History, Nature, Outdoors, Scotland|0 Comments

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