The Little Red Fishing Boat

A collection of children’s books

Casting the Net Project

Designing the minibus

Casting the Net is an oral history project developed by Clyde Fishermen’s Association and the Scottish Fisheries Museum which aims to capture the memories and experiences of the last of the ring-net fishermen and their families from around the Firth of Clyde and West coast of Scotland. This will result in the creation of both film and sound based material.

Cowal Open Studios

 21st -24th September 2018

The many professional artists – painters, potters, sculptors, furniture makers, jewellers, textile artists and photographers, who work on the Cowal peninsula in the midst of the beautiful Argyll countryside, open their doors to visitors on these four days (and on other times by appointment). From Cairndow to Lochgoilhead, Dunoon and Toward, from Strachur to Otter Ferry. Tighnabruaich coastline and many beautiful places in between. Come and see what lies behind the closed doors and beyond the garden gates.

Time Flies

April 22nd, 2019|272 Comments

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. [...]


August 5th, 2016|0 Comments

Storm August was heralded in by one of the best and yet strangest storms I’ve seen for a very long [...]


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