Extended sailing season?

Extended sailing season?

A few weeks ago at the end of the sailing season, the local sailing club had their boats lifted out the water. My boat ‘Hawkhurst’ is not so big and fits onto a road trailer when not dancing around in the waves on the mooring.  As the October school holidays were just around the corner, it didn’t seem too long to leave her on the water and extend our sailing season. No big deal I thought; but, seeing that little Hawkhurst was staying afloat various comments were given as I met people around town. “Keeping your boat on the water?’ “Not worried about the September storms?’ Well, yes and no, I hadn’t been worried, but with their concerned comments, my mind started to run through different scenarios each finishing with more extreme and lonely ends for my little boat.

Like the thin red line, I held my nerve and secretly started avidly and worriedly watching the weather forecast. All was stable for about a week, then a few days of typical Scottish weather; rain, blistering heat, drying wind and sleet before lunch.  Nevertheless, she seemed fine as I peered at her across the water from the shore and a few times I went out to check on her. She was empty and happily sitting waiting for us on her hook.

October school holidays start on Friday, I felt I was on the home run and then the gales hit us just before the weekend. Of course, I knew they were coming, I had watched the forecast, seen the clouds, seen the brown leaves twist and fall to the ground and did I take my boat off the water? Of course not! Did I lie in bed listening to the wind, did I dream of my lovely hitting rocks and never dancing again?  Of course, I did.

Next year, I’m taking my boat off the water when everyone else does and if anyone leaves their boat afloat, I’m going to say to them, “Keeping your boat on the water?’ “Not worried about the September storms?’





By |2018-06-14T06:01:34+00:00October 4th, 2017|Boating, Lifestyle, Outdoors, Sailing|0 Comments

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